Hi, Everyone,
Well as you know I usually like to have a HUMP day post every now and then. For today I have two news flashes for you.
FIrst, a dear blogger friends is hosting one of THE MOST SPECTACULAR Blog events. Sheri Larson of Writers Alley fame has signed with an amazing agent as is sharing her good fortune with all of us.
I know there is ONLY ONE MORE DAY to get involved, but there is still time to enter. The Bigger-Than-A-Shopping-Mall giveaway is worth time. ALL the prizes are writer related and MANY of the top blogger writers have donated their expertise for this event SO DON'T MISS OUT! CLICK HERE! and you will be WHISKED away.
Also while you are there don't forget to check out Sheri's Productions to be featured at her site! She is so amazing giving back to our wonderful community by helping all of us SHINE on her blog.
Now are you guys ready for more blogger excitement? Of course you are! Well, my good friend and newly published author E.J.Wesley is sponsoring another MAJOR contest and blogfest in honor of his newly released book BLOOD FUGUE ...
You know you've been seeing this cover around the blogosphere in the past few weeks. Now is the chance to get your copy and join in on all the fun and win some UNBELIEVABLE prizes, which includes a NOOK Simple touch with Glow reader. OOOOooo! SO cool of E.j. to be SO generous.
So drop by his blog NOW.... For the Bury the Hatchet giveaway. THIS will be your time to create a post to VENT on how YOU would like to BURY THE HATCHET ... GO WILD... it's better than therapy and tons more fun! LOL. You've got plenty of time for this one ... until October 19th..
SO everyone, I do hope this puts a smile on your face on this Hump Day... Take care and see you all on Friday.
Well as you know I usually like to have a HUMP day post every now and then. For today I have two news flashes for you.

I know there is ONLY ONE MORE DAY to get involved, but there is still time to enter. The Bigger-Than-A-Shopping-Mall giveaway is worth time. ALL the prizes are writer related and MANY of the top blogger writers have donated their expertise for this event SO DON'T MISS OUT! CLICK HERE! and you will be WHISKED away.
Also while you are there don't forget to check out Sheri's Productions to be featured at her site! She is so amazing giving back to our wonderful community by helping all of us SHINE on her blog.
Now are you guys ready for more blogger excitement? Of course you are! Well, my good friend and newly published author E.J.Wesley is sponsoring another MAJOR contest and blogfest in honor of his newly released book BLOOD FUGUE ...
You know you've been seeing this cover around the blogosphere in the past few weeks. Now is the chance to get your copy and join in on all the fun and win some UNBELIEVABLE prizes, which includes a NOOK Simple touch with Glow reader. OOOOooo! SO cool of E.j. to be SO generous.
So drop by his blog NOW.... For the Bury the Hatchet giveaway. THIS will be your time to create a post to VENT on how YOU would like to BURY THE HATCHET ... GO WILD... it's better than therapy and tons more fun! LOL. You've got plenty of time for this one ... until October 19th..
SO everyone, I do hope this puts a smile on your face on this Hump Day... Take care and see you all on Friday.