Wednesday, January 6, 2021




It's time for another IWSG post. Thanks to Alex and all the IWSG hosts, we can catch up and air our anxieties and share our advice with others as well. If you would like to join, please click on the site and sign up!

Well, we made it through another year. This one was certainly challenging. But through all the trials and tribulations, we have grown stronger. Life is never easy, and 2020 was probably one that we will NEVER forget. 

2021 will also be another challenging year. We start with a new government and with the pandemic still haunting us all. We will persevere, and we MUST. Haven't all of our journeys in writing taught us this? It certainly has for me! It is the proverbial waiting game, and sadly we must wait this year out as well. Yes, we have a vaccine, but that will take time; this virus is not going anywhere for quite some time, so we must continue to live with it as part of our lives. We will make it as long as we keep a level head and patience.

Winter has taken a stronghold in Illinois, so I will be writing after I finish my bathroom reno. It is time to finish up with my WIP and move on. This will be a year of many new beginnings, and we need to roll along with them. Making time for writing is important for me, especially this year. I seem to be the last holdout of writers who has started their journey with me over a decade ago. All of my wonderful friends have works published or to be published this year. I had many letdowns in the past; now, it is time for me—no more excuses.  I hope to regain the tenacity I once had to pour all my anxieties and energy into making it happen. 

May we get through this year together, learning from each other and growing in a healthy and happy new world. Keep safe, my friends, and I will see you all next month!