Thursday, November 19, 2015


Hi, All,

Today gives me GREAT pleasure to FEATURE, my BLOGGER pal,  MARK Koopmans and his newly published memoir, REVIVAL- The Donald Braswell Story

Mark is here today to talk about a very important subject...something all authors need as much as their computers... 

Take it away, Mark~~~~~


Today is one of my favorite stops on the REVIVAL – The Donald Braswell story Tour because I can publicly say “thank you” to Michael, who helped fix a long-standing issue with REVIVAL.

Michael, thanks also for having me here today—and I very much appreciate all your advice and help when I needed a Critique Partner.

And, that’s today’s topic: The importance of a great CP.

When I put out the call for assistance, I’d just finished what felt like the 1,583rd draft, but something was still “missing.”

Several people were kind enough to read and crit the sample chapters, but Michael rolled up his sleeves and asked for the full ms.

Several weeks went by, and then Michael sent an email that literally changed the direction of the book, which was at the time written third person, past tense.

“Change it to first person, present tense,” Michael said. “Makes it much more personal and allows readers to follow Donald through each struggle and success.”

To emphasize his point, Michael spent even more time and sent me his suggested changes. As the emails came in, it was obvious he’d figured what the missing something was, and REVIVAL began to flow the way I’d always hoped.

Though I now had the daunting task of essentially rewriting the entire ms, I knew the Point of View change was exactly what the Di Gesu ordered!

My point is great CPs are few and far between. When you find one, hold on tight, listen to the constructive criticism and, at the very least, consider acting on the offered suggestions.
Thanks again, Michael, for today, and the many, many days prior to this one.

Tomorrow, it’s Annalisa Crawford, who wants to know how and where in time do you start a memoir?

Mark, it was my GREAT pleasure to host you today and especially to help you on your amazing memoir! And, I couldn't agree more about how VALUABLE a good CP is... I am honored and humbled by your gratitude. Sometimes it just takes an extra set of keen eyes to figure out what is missing. We've all BEEN there... Banging our heads against our desks trying to figure out what's missing... I adore my CP's and would be completely lost without them.

Here is more about REVIVAL...and THE TOUR...

Five years removed from his 1990 Juilliard graduation, Donald Braswell is set to be “the next Pavarotti.” Braswell’s successful career ends, however, not with a standing ovation at Carnegie Hall, but alone, lying in a dirty ditch.

Following the hit-and-run accident that steals his voice and future, the “Texas Tenor” struggles with depression and despairuntil the night his daughter, Aria, is born. Understanding this new and immediate life change, Braswell fights to relearn how to speak, singand share this gift of second chances with others.
Working as a plasterer, a car salesman, and many jobs in-between, it takes thirteen yearsand a musical miraclefor Braswell to battle back and sing on a professional stage. His dreams and ambitions collide with a tired and angry crowd when he auditions for America’s Got Talent. For his family, his faith and his entire future, can the Rocky Balboa of the operatic world find the courage and strength to win just one more fight?
CLICK HERE TO READ A FREE CHAPTER. ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── 
PURCHASE LINKS: (Paperbacks)
page1image28240 page1image28400 page1image28560

Tour Information

Mark's Tour Page

Mark's Newsletter


Mark is also hosting a giveaway! So please Jump on board, now!

  • ●  GRAND PRIZE (2 winners): Donald Braswell to sing (Happy Birthday/Anniversary) via Skype or phone call. (A unique gift idea!)
  • ●  1ST PLACE PRIZE: Signed Donald Braswell CD/REVIVAL book combo
  • ●  2nd, 3rd and 4th PLACE PRIZES: Signed copies of REVIVAL (by Donald and Mark)
  • ●  5th, 6th and 7th PLACE PRIZES: Signed copies of Donald Braswell CDs
  • ●  8th, 9th, and 10th PLACE PRIZES: Signed Donald Braswell 8x10 picture 

THANKS for stopping by today, Mark! ALL the best with you MEMOIR and TOUR

Wednesday, November 11, 2015



The days are getting shorter and the nights longer. A cool whisper through the trees are shaking autumn's colorful leaves to the bare bones... 

Doesn't it sound like the perfect time to put on your jammies, stoke the fire, and curl up under an afghan with a good book?

Well, Stephen Tremp has written a ghoulish tale perfect for the occasion. 
Salem's Daughters

Today I am happy to host Stephen on his blog tour~

He is sharing some of his insights and not so fun facts...

TV and Movie Paranormal Shows There is no shortage of people who investigate the paranormal and supernatural disturbances, usually in houses or abandoned buildings that were once a psychiatric ward or built over an Indian burial ground. The audience for such shows is huge.
I had to incorporate this element into Salem’s Daughters. Running a bed and breakfast is expensive, and cancellations due to people dying violent deaths drive Bob and Debbie’s meddling grandparents, who co-signed on the three and a half millions dollar loan to resort to extreme measures. They allow a paranormal TV show called American Ghost Stories to film a live episode at Murcat Manor.
What happens next is one of the best scenes in the book as the crew discover the thirteen cats are indeed at the heart of the problem and want to expose them live on national TV. But the witches are a step ahead of them and all kinds of craziness erupts. Throw in an Indian shaman as the wild card and this may be the highlight of the story.
Not So Fun Facts When cats leave their poop uncovered, it is a sign of aggression to let you know they don’t fear you.
Did You Know Cats have a lower social IQ than dogs but can solve more difficult cognitive problems when they feel like it.
Short Blurb: A four hundred year old evil is unleashed when the daughters of those killed during the Salem Witch Trials find a new generation of people to murder at a popular modern-day bed and breakfast.
Stephen Tremp writes Speculative Fiction and embraces science and the supernatural to help explain the universe, our place in it, and write one of a kind thrillers. You can read a full synopsis and download Salem’s Daughters by Clicking Here.
Stephen Tremp posts weekly blogs at his website Breakthrough Blogs.
Next Stop: Wednesday November 18th Bench With A View for my favorite topic: Science Meets The Supernatural.
Here is a list of links to paranormal movies and TV shows:
One of my favorite paranormal shows is 1408 with John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson (based on a Stephen King novel) is one of my favorites. If you haven’t rented the movie, do so in the near future.
Question do you have a favorite Paranormal movie or TV show?

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Hi All,

It's the first Wednesday of the month, and we ALL know what that means... It's time for another IWSG post!

Thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh we get to vent our insecurities once a month. I must agree it's a great idea and it has helped me and SO many other bloggers get through their "stressful" time.

So please drop by and lend a "helping hand" with a soothing comment to your fellow blogger who are feeing a bit "OVERWHELMED" this month....

My title "hints" at my anxiety this mont. As most of you know, I am currently rehabbing an 1880's timber loft. WELL, I am down to the wire, guys, I move in less than two weeks and I am starting to FREAK.... there is still so much to do, and it seems that the guys working are moving at a snail's pace. I had hired this AMAZING tile person. I let my guard down for a second and found out that HE was not doing the actual work. ANOTHER CONTRACTOR.... NOOOOOO.... contractors in this city are out for blood. They charge THREE times what the union scale is and they pay their workers a fraction of that. So the guys doing my work are moving sooooooo slowly. The bathroom was supposed to be finished today, and they only installed the floor.... and it's not even grouted yet. Which, is holding up the installation of my hot water heater and washer/dryer. They are also holding up the finishing of the painted walls, which can't be done while they are still working in the space.

UGH! And, sadly, my amazing carpenter can't work the rest of this week. So I had to hire another drywall person to finish up at TWICE the cost of my guy. UGH, again!

At this point I have everything second planned, so if even one minute is off, it throws all the other work off.

For those of you that have had remodeling or rehabbing done, you know the nightmare of this situation. you know I do like to see the positive in most things, I still have a bit of wiggle room. I may not have all the work done when I move in on the 16th,  but the bath, kitchen, and floors should should be all done. I can do the FINE TUNING after I move in. It is not the best case scenario, especially with Christmas just around the corner, but it what it IS....

So, friends, please send me all the positive vibes you can... I'd really appreciate it!

Have a GREAT day, and I am OFF for another INSANE DAY of letting worker into the loft and baby sitting the tile guys.... FUN....

I hope to say HI to you guys when I get a free moment....