With 2011 coming to a fast close, why not spend the weekend with THE LEGEND OF VICTOR STANDISH by Roland Yeomans.
Not since Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer or Huckleberry Finn has there been such an exciting young male hero. Not even the magical Harry Potter has escaped more times from mortal danger than Victor Standish.
Set in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Victor arrives in New Orleans. Here he meets Old Suz and his life changes forever. Little does he know for the first time in his street existence, he will encounter a figure so larger-than-life: Captain Sam McCord.
Sam, an enigma all of his own, can only protect Victor one way ... by bringing him to Meilori's ... the crossroads of multiple worlds.
Roland weaves a fabric so tight and intricate, the reader is swept away. Dozens of historical characters intertwine with the lacy iron work of Meilori's classic architecture.
At Midnight, Victor is dropped into an eerie cemetery right in front of the crypt of Marie Laveau. Waiting for the Angel of Death to swoop down upon him, something extraordinary happens. Can you guess? Not likely. Only Mr. Yeoman's imagination could possibly create such a scene.
Through the mist, an unearthly voice calls to Victor in his mind. Hungry, so hungry, Alice Wentworth announces herself. With neon blue eyes ablaze, she subtly appears. But Alice hungers, for what, we are not certain, Could it be love? Or her next meal.
I thoroughly enjoyed THE LEGENDS OF VICTOR STANDISH. And now so can you. It is just a quick click away. Roland is so kindly giving all his royalties to the Salvation Army this holiday season. Why not use that shiny new Amazon gift card and download it today. It will be such a fun way to ring in the new year with some new friends...
I would also like to take this time to wish everyone of my blogger friends and their families a happy, healthy, and very prosperous new year. Many of us had lots of ups and downs this year and I sincerely hope the downs will be much fewer in 2012.
I have been so fortunate this year. Although my writing career is still on its long journey, I am happy to say I am in such good company. Many of my friends have novels circulating the globe and I am SO happy for them. My turn will come soon ... hopefully this year.
If not, well, I will still keep plugging along. You all give me strength to take another step. You will never know how grateful I am for that little push I need every now and then.
Have a WONDERFUL weekend and stay safe. Many party goers will be celebrating a bit too much so PLEASE be careful on the roads.
I am SO looking forward to another wonderful year sharing life with all of you.
HAPPY 2012 my friends!