I know you are all preparing for a special feast, as you should, so this post will be short and sweet. Today is when we all give thanks for all the blessings in our live. Family, friends, our homes, and health are all precious to us. We are so fortunate to be able to cozy up in our homes to give thanks.
I can't help but think of all the poor families affected by SANDY and the flash flooding throughout the country. My wish for them is for peace of mind and to hang on to the thought that people do care and they will get through it.
After living in Florida for so many years, I lived through ANDREW, WILMA, KATRINA, etc. Horrific disasters, but we all helped each other. That's when people's true compassion is revealed. It/s amazing how much the communities banded together to get through the tough times. We all hear about the negative behavior of society. The news is SPLASHED with it, but at times like these I like to dwell on all the Earthly Angels and good hearted people that help the misfortunate.
Today, when you can take a brief moment, say a prayer. The power of prayer can be an amazing thing. Afterwards, take your family into you arms and give them a BIG HUG.... There is NOTHING more important than family....
Have FANTASTIC weekend everyone... and for the RECORD... I am thankful for ALL OF YOU! You lift my spirits when I am down and ALWAYS there for me through the good and bad times. I always smile just knowing you are here!
I know you are all preparing for a special feast, as you should, so this post will be short and sweet. Today is when we all give thanks for all the blessings in our live. Family, friends, our homes, and health are all precious to us. We are so fortunate to be able to cozy up in our homes to give thanks.
I can't help but think of all the poor families affected by SANDY and the flash flooding throughout the country. My wish for them is for peace of mind and to hang on to the thought that people do care and they will get through it.
Today, when you can take a brief moment, say a prayer. The power of prayer can be an amazing thing. Afterwards, take your family into you arms and give them a BIG HUG.... There is NOTHING more important than family....
Have FANTASTIC weekend everyone... and for the RECORD... I am thankful for ALL OF YOU! You lift my spirits when I am down and ALWAYS there for me through the good and bad times. I always smile just knowing you are here!
Prayer is a powerful thing! We've been through hurricanes here and it's amazing how people pull together.
You have a great Thanksgiving, Michael!
Have a great Thanksgiving, Michael! :)
I prayed already and I will pray again and again today. "Afterwards, take your family into you arms and give them a BIG HUG.... There is NOTHING more important than family...." AMEN! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Michael!
Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving. Sending over cyberhugs. =) Thanks
Beautiful post. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving Michael. And yes, it's important to remember those who've gone through so much with Sandy.
Lovely thoughts, Michael. Thank you for sharing them.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Mary Montague Sikes
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving, enjoy the day.
Thanks to you, Michael and sending you best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving Day.
Shout out to the military folks who are away from home, too.
Come home safely, y'all :)
A virtual hug right back at you!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you who celebrate. Enjoy the family, friends and special food.
And let's be Earthly Angels to those less fortunate.
Happy Thanksgiving Michael!
Happy Thanksgiving, Michael! Hope you had a wonderful day. There is so much to be thankful for. I love how we all are sharing in that.
Love you Bro! Hope the rest of your week-end is full of wonderful surprises.
Prayer is a hugely powerful blessing! I am so thankful that we can pray, give thanks, and hug our families tight!
Wonderful post Michael!
A virtual hug back at you my friend! Hope you had a wonderful holiday!!
You're wonderful people Michael. I how you had a safe, exciting weekend.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too. :)
Happy Thanksgiving, a bit late.
Sweet post. I hope your Thanksgiving was amazing. So are you still in Chicago? Flying south this winter?
Beautiful thoughts Michael. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I agree, the power of prayer in numbers can do wonders. I know this from personal experience with my youngest son.
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! It really is great to have a day to help us all remember just how much we have to be thankful for. Nice post.
Virtual hug back atcha. I'm grateful for my family and their love.
I worked all Thanksgiving and on through the weekend usually solo. I slept for most of Monday and Tuesday -- so that it is why it has taken me so long to visit and say you, my friend, are one of the people I am most thankful for! :-)
Beautiful thoughts Michael. I fully believe in the power of prayer. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I agree, that one's true character is revealed in times of crisis--I love to see what miracles can happen even just by one person. I know I've had numerous angels in my life--some I will never see their face, but I will always be thankful for.
Such a lovely post, Michael. But you are always so giving! :D
I think it's too bad the news doesn't share more stories about people doing good/nice things. I wonder what might happen if they did.
my sisters live near orlando, so they have been near so much of it, and it is a scary thought. wish they would move. ;(
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