Friday, December 16, 2016


Hi, Everyone....

Today I'd like to repost a blast from the not so distant past.... 

BECAUSE my Friend and co-blogger has come out with BOOK II of her amazing fantasy series....

HAVE you ever dreamed of creatures just steps away living in your nearby forest?  

One can only guess what or who is lurking within the trees, ravines, brooks, or under foot.

Are they friend, or foe?

Are they zombies, ready to eat your brains?

Or fairies to delight and entertain you with their grace and charm?

Perhaps mischievous elves, wanting to place you under their spell?

What about frolicking water nymphs, to serenade and calm you with a  tranquil dance.

Or maybe, just maybe, something more...



Tara Tyler

Tara is visiting today.... YAY! She is on tour with BOOK TWO- CRADLE ROCK. But today Tara is telling us about her Craziest Spring break.... Take it away Tara~

Spring Break is like Vegas - what happens there, stays there… So many details of my trip have been omitted! But I bet this is lame compared to some!

In high school, I was a total nerd. Guys looked at me as a friend and an answer key. I started to blossom my senior year, but I really broke out of my shell in college. New found independence and a makeover do wonders for a nerdy girl’s image - just look at what Penny did for Amy Farrah Fowler!

My craziest spring break took place my senior year in college. I brought my good friend "Lewanda" down to my house in South Florida. We had a nice time with my parents and sister and local friends. The exciting parts happened on the way home...

I’d just started dating the love of my life, or so I thought, and he and his buddy happened to be staying in Daytona. Lewanda and I made plans to meet them and give them a ride back to school. Their place was a dump, but that stuff doesn’t matter when you’re young. We went to the beach and some clubs and had a great time! This guy was the one, in my eyes.

Since the hike back to school was so long, I offered to ask one of my high school buddies if we could stay at his place for a night. He went to FSU which was on our way, and was happy to have us. When we got there, he took us out to a party and showed us all a good time.

Once we settled in for the night, my buddy scooted up next to me on the floor. Though my friend Lewanda was snoring next to me, and the boys were in the next room, he started putting the moves on me. I was half asleep and thought it was my beau…

I stopped as soon as I realized who it was. Then, we heard someone walking around and froze, pretending to be asleep. I felt terrible. When the roamer left, I scolded my buddy. He chuckled an apology. We’d been good friends for a long time, and he was very laid back, never taking things seriously. He explained he’d never gotten the courage to try anything with me before. I told him he had terrible timing, and I was in love with my beau. He understood and said he would be there for me if things didn’t work out. So awkward!

I went into the other room and confessed everything to my beau. He was definitely upset, but he forgave me.

To top off our crazy spring break, the next day, we were rear-ended at a light! And still many miles from school. No one was hurt, thank goodness, but what a scary experience for a bunch of clueless college kids to deal with in the middle of nowhere!

*** NOTE: all of the above took place WITHOUT CELL PHONES! A true adventure!***

The saga of me and my beau was serious. We even got engaged. But alas, it wasn’t meant to be… Later, I dated my buddy, but he was a little too laid back for me. After several more failed attempts, I finally settled down with the right guy at the right time.

The lesson for this story? Be true to yourself. Be open to new experiences, but keep your eyes open! A solid relationship forms when two people have similar values and goals, not just a strong attraction. And don’t give up on lasting love - it shows up when you least expect it!

In Cradle Rock, Gabe is a goblin deeply in love with ogress Ona, but he lets her have the space and freedom to be herself and she adores him more for it.

Thanks so much Michael, for joining in my release party and letting me tell this reminiscent story. And I can't wait to hear how you like Cradle Rock! But I don't know how you will top your Broken Branch Falls splendorific rendition!

Have any of you been on any crazy, memorable trips? I know you have! Do tell! 
You are soooo welcome Tara! I will be posting my review soon! And yes, I totally love it!


CRADLE ROCK, Beast World Book Two
by Tara Tyler

Gabe the goblin just saved his town Broken Branch Falls from splitting apart. He also revealed that humans--horrible creatures of myth and legend--may actually be part of their history! But seriously? Nah!

Now Ona, Gabe’s girlfriend, is headed thousands of miles away to Camp Cradle Rock for Spring Break seeking evidence of humans. Gabe knows better than to tell a stubborn ogress she’s crazy, so he’s letting her go and spending the break at the beach like a normal teenage beast. And he’s determined to have a good time without her, whether he likes it or not.

But when Gabe hears Ona went missing, he and his friends set out for the wilds of the west to find her, no matter what dangerous creatures get in his way. Not even humans.

Check out the Book Trailer!

Tara Tyler has had a hand in everything from waitressing to rocket engineering. After moving all over, she now writes and teaches math in Ohio with her three active boys and Coach Husband. Currently she has two series, Pop Travel (techno-thriller detective capers) and Broken Branch Falls (fantasy adventures). To squeeze in writing, she economizes her time aka the Lazy Housewife. Make every day an adventure!

Talk to me!
Author Blog ~~ @taratylertalks ~~ Facebook ~~ Housewives Blog

I'm also giving away signed copies of Broken Branch Falls and Cradle Rock, some Beast World swag, and a $20 GC!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


Hi, All,

Sorry for the late post, but I just realized today is the FIRST Wednesday of the month!
Thanks to Alex we have one day each month to VENT... LOL. Be sure to visit our other members for support, cheering, and advice.

Today has been just a whirlwind. The temps dropped in Chicago to the deep freeze it usually is. So maneuvering around the city with the crazy wind has not been fun. Yesterday, while moving, a wind gust pinned me and a the cover to my mop flew at me, grazed just beneath my eye and hit me on the side of the nose. UGH... thankfully it was only plastic, but it left a nice bump and under my eye is all red. Looks like someone punched me in the eye. Not black, but red. So needless to say....

I closed on my loft today! YAY! So now I am officially a renter in Chicago again. It feels right. I found a stunning 17th floor corner unit with 10 ft. Wrap around, ceiling to floor windows with a SE exposure. My favorite lighting source. I even semi cooked inside my apartment today. Had to draw the blinds. It actually got up to 77 degrees in my apt and I had the heat set to 68. But now the drafts through the windows dropped the temp inside considerably... AH, winter in Chicago! What I love most, I actually will have an amazing writing/art space EVENTUALLY. Right now the spare room is stuffed with boxes and everything imaginable. It will take me until Christmas to dig my way through it. Lol...

Although my mood was lifted today with finally saying farewell to the loft, although beautiful, it is wonderful to be free, I did get a rejection on a short story... so I am kind of depressed about that. It seems most other things in my life seem to be moving along, but not my writing. I'm honestly not sure why. I have always received great reviews from other talented writers and readers, but it seems the publishers are not too impressed. It saddens me. I just don't know what to do next as far as my writing goes. 

Maybe once I settle again and write something new, maybe that is what I must do. I just wish I had the drive.

Anyway. That is what life is dishing me these days. I should be in Florida, but I am still here. I hope to be packing up the car and pup and escaping soon. I wish I could leave now.... Single digit temps are forecasted for next week.... UGH! HELP! LOL.... I can't leave here until I finish up with my design client and setting my place up. My story doesn't seem to change, but I always appreciate my wonderful writer friends encouraging me along my journey which seems to lead nowhere.... Maybe I am just a literary lover and nothing more. I spin words into visions and atmosphere, but perhaps that just isn't enough. Time will certainly tell. 

I miss all of you and think of you often! I hope you can forgive my absence, but every time I renter our world, I seem to be whisked away! 


Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Hi, All,

Hope everyone is enjoying the FALL.... Here in Chicago we are still in the upper 60's ... strange for this time of year for sure...

As we know this is a SUPER CHARGED month.... NaNo... GOOD luck and all the best who have the courage, dedication, and TALENT to write a novel in a month. I wish I had that kind of dedication. But, as usual, life is just to crazy.

As most of you know this is the first Wednesday of the month and it's time for another meeting of the IWSG...Thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh and his November hosts, we have a day scheduled every month to vent our insecurities and find solace in our peers who have many of our same concerns. Please visit the members and find your insecurities dissolve....

This month the question is.... What is your favorite aspect of being a writer?

Tough question. There are so many wonderful amazing aspects of being a writer, but for me, there is one thing that stands out amongst the others.... THIS community. When I was a fledgling writer, many moons ago, I stumbled and fell so many times. This wonderful community of amazingly talented writers helped me hone my craft, supported my dreams, and always had a shoulder for me to lean on. THANK YOU ALL! With each passing year, so many of the writers I have begun my journey with have grown so much and successfully published many fine works. You all should be so proud of yourselves...

Although I am still on my journey, I have faith that IN TIME.... I will find my works published. But I am thankful for the blurbs, illustrations, and book designs that I do have published. One day soon... one day soon... my stories will follow. I am a patient man. 

My insecurities for this month is a simple one and has nothing to do with writing... I have a contract on my loft, BUT the appraisal hasn't been scheduled yet. This is highly unusual especially since it is three weeks into the contract and we are supposed to close within the next few weeks. I am in limbo, I won't rent another apartment, schedule a move, or even pact until I know for certain... UGH! SO any good vibes sent my way would be greatly appreciated. The last thing I want to do is SCRAMBLE around like a deranged maniac, getting all this done in two weeks...

On the positive note, the illustration project I worked on last month has been published! YAY! The title is called GUARDIANS OF ICELAND and OTHER ICELANDIC TALES by HEIDI HERMAN... IF you like Folk tales, you certainly will enjoy these stories...

Here is another sample illustration from the stories...


Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Hi All!

 I hope you are enjoying the fall weather... still kind of warm here, but it's cooler in the evening... For all our friends in the south eastern states  and Caribbean, PLEASE stay safe through Hurricane Mathew... I know how aweful hurricanes can be since I lived through four of them. (Please send prayers their way everyone...)

Today is another segment of the IWSG.... Thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh we can all vent our insecurities once a month. This monthly meeting certainly has helped me through many anxious times and it can for you as well. Please check out the list and join! Here's the link. And thanks to all the hosts this month!

September came in like a whirlwind for me. Not only did I finally finish my loft, but I have some very exciting news that now I can share. I am just finishing up a major illustration contract. A four color illustration for the cover and graphic design, PLUS 17 interior illustrations. I am thrilled to say that almost all the art has been approved  (tweaking the last four illustration and final cover design) and the book should come out sometime later this month or early next month. It all depends on the formatting...

I was offered this job because the previous chosen illustrator became sick and couldn't do the job. I only had THREE weeks to complete this and NEEDLESS to say I was certainly anxious about it. But now that it's practically done, I feel so much better.... This project was so fun for me because the book is a collection of Icelandic Folklore tales geared toward Children.... SO I got to create trolls, giants, fairies, princes, kings, etc. It was so nice to be able to really draw again. It's been a few years since I have illustrated a cover and years since I've down scene interiors...  Here is one of my favorites! The story is called Helga, an Icelandic Fairy Tale... (This is original art... please don't reproduce in any way without my consent- thanks). 

SO needless to say, I am doing great this month. By Friday, I can breath again. I'll definitely keep you posted once I find out the date for release! 

Have a wonderful day everyone and thanks for dropping by.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Hi All,

Hope everyone had a fun Labor Day weekend. For some odd reason, the summer is still lingering here in Chicago. Temps in the mid 90's is INSANE for this time of year. But from what has been forecasted, the winter is to be a brutally cold one. 

Once again this is the first Wednesday of the month, and that means another post for the IWSG created by Alex J Cavanaugh. By now most of you know what this is, but for those new people who don't, it is a monthly post for writers to vent out their insecurities and for others to lend an invisible helping hand with advice or just plain sympathy.

This month's question is, How to find time to write in your busy day? Now that is a LOADED question and one that hits home....

Personally I haven't written anything substantial in over a year, just  the occasional post, a few intros, and one piece for the WEP. In the grand scheme of things, that is NOTHING. And yes, I am very Insecure about it. Many times I freak about how I have absolutely no interest in writing anything. My mind has been fogged with LIFE. Many of you know I had bought a run down loft in the South Loop of Chicago. A great space that needed so much of my attention and money. I am HAPPY TO SAY, that I FINALLY FINISHED!!!!! Yes, one year and one month. 

I ran out of money, so I had to do the remaining work myself, which included all the trim wood work, hanging glass doors, and painting. Now that it's complete as of two days ago, I thought I'd be ready to JUMP back into writing. 

Sadly, it does't seem that way. Life is still plaguing me. I need to sell my loft. From all the frustration, work, and expense, I ended up hating this place. I thought, since this was a former Children's publishing house for nearly a century, I would feel inspired. I don't. I miss my sweeping views of the park, lake, and city skyline. I've come to realize, I am a totally visual person, and THAT is what inspires me, not old, brick lofts.

SO, I am on the move again. Stressful, yes, but I am relieved too. I want to be creative again and not just with design work. It's getting old for me. I find it funny, the acquaintances OOOO and AAA when they see my place. For me, it's what I do. I'm a professional. And what kind of interior designer would I be, if my place doesn't speak volumes.

Today I plan to hop around and visit the other group members and HOPEFULLY I can learn how they manage their writing time. The only great advice I have for you today is.... visit the other group members.... lol. I honestly wish I had more.

On a POSITIVE NOTE... here are a few before and after pics of my loft. It was QUITE the challenge. LOL





Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Hardships have hit all of us from time-to-time...

But how to handle them? Situations often become overwhelming. 

Life is stressful. 

Ask anyone. 

Going about my day, I often see pinched faces. I hear rude remarks. People who rush and bump into innocent standers-by, without even a customary, "excuse me." 

If they would only stop. For just a moment... and breathe. 

Listen to the chirping birds. Watch a child at play in the park. Or, just walk out your front door and admire the beauty of a single bud, fighting it's way through the cracked pavement.

But sadly, they don't. Always on the move. These tunnel-visioned people scurry through their day barely making eye contact with a single soul.

If only there was an alternative. These aren't bad people. Just lost. Perhaps they have forgotten their spiritual side. Too busy to remember there is a point to life. Not just existing, but LIVING.

For those times when we all need a spiritual lift, we can soon turn to view the subtle beauty of the May bush gracing the cover of Lynda R Young's daily devotional....

So peaceful. So simple. So lovely.

Lynda has created a truly inspiration way to get back in touch with our spiritual side. When stress becomes overwhelming, why not spend a few quality moments with God.

Thank you Lynda for sharing you stunning new cover with us. The release day is only in a few short months...

Release date: October 18th, 2016
Published by Freedom Fox Press

If you would like to learn more about Lynda and her writing please drop by her blog... 

You can also find her at these links, too... 

Lynda is also heavily involved with the Insecure Writers Support Group. The amazing monthly posts of talented writers trying to relieve anxiety and stress. Why not drop by Alex J. Cavanaugh's blog and sign up. AND, while you are there, drop by some of the blog sites and become inspired.

Have a wonderful day everyone!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016



A term one doesn't hear very often, but an emotion we often experience. IT can come in various forms. Through day jobs, through family, and especially in our craft. It's a feeling that can suffocate you. Cripple you. Yet, we must persevere. 

Often the malaise is temporary. But how does one free oneself when it isn't?


The answer is so obvious. Releasing these pinned up emotions onto the keyboard is LIBERATING. It truly is the best therapy. It's amazing how writing about anything will clear your stress. 

Back in 2009 when the real estate market crashed and I had lost three lucrative design contracts, I was frantic. All of a sudden I had all this time on my hands and no money coming in. I didn't know where to turn, so I began my first novel. It opened up a whole new world to me. Four months after I had finished my first draft, I entered the blogging world. The rest is history.

Writers and creative people are fortunate in this respect. WE have our creativity to escape to and free ourselves from stress and anxiety.

But I know you are asking, what if you are BLOCKED? BOTTLED is now taking another form...

We have all had bouts of writer's block. I myself haven't written anything substantial in a few years, but that is okay. Many of us have other avenues to filter that BOTTLED feeling. Art, baking, cooking, designing, music (As Alex well knows), can be amazing outlets.

So whenever you are BOTTLED, remember to filter those emotions creatively...

Kinetic disturbances filter through my being. I twist the sparkling emerald ring on my finger, focusing on the infiltration rather than who is before me.

A convoy of men loom closer. Their determination in finding me reeks through the air like a noxious gas, mingling with the heady spices which already permeate the room. It is rather unpleasant and I wrinkle my nose.

The smacking of lips draws my attention to my new master. Yet another nondescript human. He is the youngest so far. Not more than a decade older than I look. BOTTLED at the age of seventeen centuries ago, bound in servitude for an eternity.

My ears prick as the newcomers are only steps away...If it were only my beloved, Karim, to save me from this damnation. His dark silken hair, his passionate gaze, and the long curve of that serpentine scar on his forearm...

A dark force,  a human evil, I have not felt in centuries cleaves through the air, severing my thoughts of Karim. The shock sears me to the core. It can't be he... It just can't be, Faruq.. 

Not after all these years. He's found me at last...





I was delighted to create one of my intros for this INTRIGUING story for Carol Riggs' newest novel 


After reading a few pages, I am certainly HOOKED! CONGRATS CAROL! Now all of YOU can read it, too! 

BOTTLED releases tomorrow, but you can get it today on AMAZON... here are the links.

AMAZON: Link (Available today)

B&N: Link (Pre Order until July 7)

Here is more information about Carol and her other books...

Carol Riggs is an author of YA fiction who lives in the beautiful green state of Oregon, USA. Her debut novel, The Body Institute, released Sept 2015 from Entangled Teen, exploring body image and identity. Her fantasy YA, Bottled, will release from Clean Reads on July 7, 2016, and her sci-fi YA, Safe Zone, will release from Entangled Teen in October 2016. She enjoys reading, drawing and painting, writing conferences, walking with her husband, and enjoying music and dance of all kinds. You will usually find her in her writing cave, surrounded by her dragon collection and the characters in her head.

Connect with Carol:

Add this book to your Goodreads reading list: BOTTLED

Congrats again, Carol! Wishing you all the best!

And friends, don't forget to visit the other posts at the ISWG... They will make you feel so much better and they will INSPIRE YOU!  

The IWSG is now featuring a question with its posts...

What's the best thing someone has said about your writing?

There is one that meant a great deal to me. The comment came from an older woman who was an abused child. She said that I had handled this horrific subject with great feeling and honesty after she had read an excerpt from my blog. She had requested to read the whole manuscript and once finished had contacted me, saying it had helped her through her own painful situation growing up.

I was deeply honored and humbled. Can a writer ask for anything better than that? I doubt it.

It feels so good to be back in the blogosphere. I'll be visiting you all as soon as I can!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Life is good! No insecurities this month!

Hi everyone!

Sorry for the late post, but I am MOVING into my new place in ORLANDO Florida! Yay!!! After 18 months of trying to find my winter escape, I finally bought a Condo...

So NO insecurities this month! I currently have no internet, so I am ousting this from my iPhone. Hamlet, my Westie puppy, loves his new digs, but he is definitely over the car after two days driving.

I can't begin to tell you how happy I am...

So here is my writer advice this month.. Ever give up your dream.... No matter what it is. BECAUSE, In Time... You will get there.

Another wonderful big I'd news is I also have my first published short story coming out on May 31st! That thing thsat turned me, an anthology will debut. It's an amazing collection of over thirty accomplished authors... Including Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Please drop by the other wonder writers in the IWSG... They will truly inspire you!  I'll write more soon along with pics. Once I get my internet... Lol.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Hi, All,

HAPPY SPRING! Even though we are still getting snow in Chicago, signs of spring are popping up everywhere. The earth is coming alive once more. So this is THE PERFECT time to renew our own hopes and dreams.

For over a year I was searching for my place in Florida. I spent so much time and money researching potential homes in Tampa and Orlando, but sadly my efforts were all in vane...until now! I am finally under contract for the cutest little condo in Orlando. Only two miles from the gates of the most magical place on earth... Disney.

This winter was a very depressing and stressful one for me. I had hoped I would be away from Chicago because after the past two winters, I knew I couldn't handle another one. But I survived, but at a price. I had promised myself I would NEVER gain weight again. For over five years I kept my promise, that was until now. It didn't take long to put on thirty pounds. Yes, you have read correctly. As most of us know depression and anxiety go hand-in-hand. My anxieties of my entrapment in Chicago certainly got the best of me... but NOW... with Spring in the air, I am back on track, found my place, in Florida, and have lost ten of the thirty pounds I had put on... It takes a great deal of time and tenacity to make our lives run the course we want them to run. Remember this every time it gets hard and you want to give up.

As most of you know, I always take negatives and turn them into positives. And that is what we all need to do. The moment I focused on getting myself put back together, everything fell into place. 

I have been working on my illustrations and created a new look for them. I am beginning to send them out along with SLOWLY getting back to writing. So for this month, I have my anxieties in check.

I know many of you are in the A-Z challenge and I have nothing but respect and admiration for you! I hope to get around a bit today and visit some of you. In between taking care of my six-month-old puppy, Hamlet... I can't believe I've had him for four months already. He has turned out to be my new BEST FRIEND... Here's a illustration I did of him in my new style. I'd love to know what you all think!

I hope you all can pop in on other members of the IWSG. It's nothing but INSPIRING...

Have a great day everyone!

Monday, March 21, 2016


Words and thoughts swirl through my head. Each intake of air adds a new facet to the glimmering kaleidoscope of colors. Ruby flashes on the crisp white background.

The murmur of voices grows louder. My mind barely understands. "Murder" rises above all others. And then, an invisible steely blade rips through my heart. 

  *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *



Law. the killing of another human being underconditions specifically covered in law. In the U.S.,special statutory definitions include murdercommitted with malice aforethought,characterized by deliberation or premeditation oroccurring during the commission of anotherserious crime, as robbery or arson (first-degreemurder) and murder by intent but withoutdeliberation or premeditation (second-degreemurder)



the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by persistent idea, image, desire, etc.

Put them together and you get...

Welcome my friends to the blog book tour of Yolanda Renee.

Murder and Obsession often goes hand-in-hand, just like "Cat and mouse" mysteries. My talented friend, Yolanda Renee, has woven both aspects into the final book of her amazing Detective Quad mysteries.

AND, today I have the honor of featuring her as my guest. 

I wanted this interview to be on a more personal note. Yolanda's novels speak for themselves, but we know very little about the woman behind them...

Michael: "Welcome!

We all love your adventurous soul, Renee… it’s quite obvious in your spectacular writing with mystery, horror, and intrigue… but your story began in humble beginnings…tell us about it. When did you know your life would take you to the snow covered, crystalline state? The Alaska so little of us know about…"

Yolanda:"I lived in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, attended college in Steubenville, Ohio, and worked as a receptionist for a Steel Company in Follansbee, WV. During that exciting time, I met a young genius. A microbiologist headed to the University of Alaska, Fairbanks for his graduate work. When my vacation came due, I was on the first plane. I knew immediately that Alaska was my future, and even though I no longer reside there, writing about it proves I was right. The funny thing is everyone who knew I was flying to Alaska described it almost as you did – only they referred to Alaska as an iceberg. Alaska was anything but – lush, green, and wild. An adventure waiting for an adventurer."

Michael: "Amazing. It sounds incredible. 

Almost every writer is asked these questions, but I think they’re so interesting to give us a true feel for the writer. When did you start writing seriously? Did you always write as a child? Or, did one day something clicked in your head?"

Yolanda: "I excelled at composition (story telling), and while my grammar was atrocious, my teachers gave me a pass because I could write a winning paper. I wrote and produced my first play in the 6th grade. Won third place in a writing contest in the 10th grade, and was told by my college English teacher that one day I would write a book. Letters to friends about my adventures in Alaska brought praise, and writing classes convinced me to pursue the impossible. Numerous rejections almost convinced me otherwise but meeting a writer made my goals achievable."

Michael: "It's not surprising that another writer can really help put things in perspective.  

At Denise Covey’s blog… one of the first stops of your tour, I was blown away by a true horror in your life. Many of us have had situations thrust upon us unwillingly, and it’s how we react in these situations, that show us what we can endure and how to survive. What impressed me most was how strong a woman you are. To face your fears and conquer them and turn this horrific situation into a positive. At what point did you say, ENOUGH? I am a survivor and I will move on and grow from this..."

Yolanda: "Honestly, that lesson came at a very early age. An abusive childhood made me a survivor; being thrown out on my ear at the age of seventeen made me a fighter. But the rape, in Fairbanks, Alaska was almost my Waterloo. I think that's why I completely suppressed the event. After everything I'd already come through – I simply couldn't deal.

Even though I didn't recall the event, I immediately made changes to my employment. I took a job on the North Slope, and in doing so went from the pot into the frying pan. By that, I mean a good percentage of the men who worked there were subhuman. When I got off the plane and on the bus to camp, the naked pictures of women from Hustler magazine greeted me. That was proceeded by crude comments and obscene suggestions. Staying took courage, and I'm proud to say, I found mine. Although, it took one hell of a conversation with myself to achieve. The tradeoff was the ability to hike the Brooks Range. So while I found heaven, it meant a serious walk through hell to get to it." 

Michael: "Thank heavens you had that to pull you through. You found your inner strength...

I am thankful to have the great fortune to know you on a more personal level than most of our blogger buddies. I know your writing well and have the pleasure of creating the blurbs, taglines, and even your bio for your amazing series. What I read in your bio pages that I wish to share with our friends is your bucket list. Please tell us yours… I found it fascinating~"

Yolanda: "I would love to learn to play the drums. In grade school, I passed the music test and had the choice of instrument. I chose the drums, but I never took the form for my parents' approval home because I knew my family didn't have the money for such luxuries. I've always regretted that decision. Especially when a year later, my sister took her form home and Dad made sure, she got the clarinet she wanted. Although, in high school I did learn to play the guitar, one I bought on my own.

I've also always loved cars, the faster, the better and I would love to own a racecar, actually any muscle car, or even a Model T. 

But more importantly, I want a pet dragon. I even had this silly idea of buying a piece of property down the road to install a Putt Putt golf course, just so I could have an enormous fire-breathing dragon of my very own. But truthfully, who needs a golf course just to own a dragon?"

Michael: "Very true... lol

Now on an even more personal note, I’d love to know more about your home life. Just a line or two about Where you live now? What does your hubby think about your writing? And, do either of your kids have a creative side like you?" 

Yolanda: "We currently reside in central Pennsylvania. Settling here had to do with job availability; we were both downsized from the same company in Tacoma, Washington. But we grew up and graduated high school in western PA so it's not an odd fit. My husband has always had more faith in my writing and me than I do. He supports me one hundred percent, literally and figuratively. 

I have two wonderful sons that I'm trying to marry off, and an old house that I love even though the remodeling is never ending. I love to cook, and I still love hiking. Walking is how I achieve true peace; it always was and still is. Yes, my sons are creative but they don't see the benefit in it. Maybe someday they'll achieve what I couldn't.

Thank you, Michael, for allowing me to discuss my journey and my books. Your friendship means the world to me."

Michael: "To me as well! It was a true pleasure, and all the best with your third book!"

If you'd like more information about the Detective Quaid mysteries here are all the links. I know you will tremendously enjoy this trilogy.

Thanks for dropping by today everyone. Please visit Yolanda Renee at her blog Defending the Pen...
And more info on her books and blog

Have a great day Everyone!