Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Hi All!

 I hope you are enjoying the fall weather... still kind of warm here, but it's cooler in the evening... For all our friends in the south eastern states  and Caribbean, PLEASE stay safe through Hurricane Mathew... I know how aweful hurricanes can be since I lived through four of them. (Please send prayers their way everyone...)

Today is another segment of the IWSG.... Thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh we can all vent our insecurities once a month. This monthly meeting certainly has helped me through many anxious times and it can for you as well. Please check out the list and join! Here's the link. And thanks to all the hosts this month!

September came in like a whirlwind for me. Not only did I finally finish my loft, but I have some very exciting news that now I can share. I am just finishing up a major illustration contract. A four color illustration for the cover and graphic design, PLUS 17 interior illustrations. I am thrilled to say that almost all the art has been approved  (tweaking the last four illustration and final cover design) and the book should come out sometime later this month or early next month. It all depends on the formatting...

I was offered this job because the previous chosen illustrator became sick and couldn't do the job. I only had THREE weeks to complete this and NEEDLESS to say I was certainly anxious about it. But now that it's practically done, I feel so much better.... This project was so fun for me because the book is a collection of Icelandic Folklore tales geared toward Children.... SO I got to create trolls, giants, fairies, princes, kings, etc. It was so nice to be able to really draw again. It's been a few years since I have illustrated a cover and years since I've down scene interiors...  Here is one of my favorites! The story is called Helga, an Icelandic Fairy Tale... (This is original art... please don't reproduce in any way without my consent- thanks). 

SO needless to say, I am doing great this month. By Friday, I can breath again. I'll definitely keep you posted once I find out the date for release! 

Have a wonderful day everyone and thanks for dropping by.


Dianne K. Salerni said...

Congratulations, Michael! I love the artwork! Three weeks isn't much time to get a job like this done, but if that one picture is any indication, the time crunch didn't affect your creativity!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Michael, that's awesome! Congratulations. Do let us know when it comes out.
We're hoping Matthew blows out to sea, although at the very least we will get a lot of rain this weekend.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Congratulations Michael on so many counts ... what a tremendous happening or two! Cheers to you ... and yes let's hope everyone is safe with Matthew barrelling in - Hilary

L. Diane Wolfe said...

What a wonderful opportunity for you! Congrats.

I have an event this weekend, so I'm hoping the hurricane doesn't interfere.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Congrats, Michael! Awesome that you got the job and could do it on such a short timeline.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Not really... But I've been working twelve to fourteen hours a day, every day, for the past three weeks! I am dead... Lol

Michael Di Gesu said...

I hope so ... I know how damaging they can be.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks Hilary.... I appreciate it!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks L. Diane... wishing you the best this weekend.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks Natalie... it wasn't easy... I still have the cover to complete. Hopefully by tomorrow all will be squared away.

shelly said...


S.P. Bowers said...

So cool! Can't wait to see the finished project!

dolorah said...

That's awesome Michael. Your illustrations remind me of Shel Silverstein. The imagery tells its own story. Love it, and love that you are enjoying your work. Who can ask for more than to get paid for what we love doing??

Gail M Baugniet - Author said...

Congratulations on your successful completion of so many illustrations, Michael. The one you display is amazing in its detail.

mshatch said...

Amazing drawing! A man of many talents, I can see ;) Definitely want to see more and so glad your loft is DONE!

Sally said...

Amazing drawing - you are very talented.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I am so happy for you that that job came to you out of the blue. I imagine the pressure of getting it all done in time must have been impressive! Have fun with the rest of the year!

Diane Burton said...

Love the illustration. I'm so happy for you, Michael. It's great that they thought of you.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

CONGRATULATIONS on getting that deal to do the illustrations for that book. Judging by the one you shared with us, they were darned lucky to get you!

cleemckenzie said...

So glad to hear about your latest creative work! Congratulations and I'm loving the drawing you shared.

Yolanda Renée said...

Again, so beautifully rendered. You are the magician!
Yes, prayers for the southeast. Matthew is a unique storm, and that's not a good thing!

Olga Godim said...

Congrats on your artistic job. The illustration you shared is nice and quirky. Lovely.

Cathrina Constantine said...

Congratulations, Michael!!! You amaze me!!!

farawayeyes said...

A truly beautiful piece of artwork, something to be proud of. No need for insecurity here. Best wishes.

Melissa said...

What a great picture! The kids will love it!

Glad things are going well for you. :)

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Michael!! That is beautiful. Is there any limit to your talent? Way to go!!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks Shelly!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Just finished yesterday... They look pretty amazing.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks D. That's the whole point of a good illustration... it needs to TELL THE STORY.. You're so right!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thank you, Gail. Children's illustrations must be detailed to trigger the their imagination...

Michael Di Gesu said...

Me, too, Marcy.... Thanks. The rest are so cool. Once the book is launched, I'll let you know.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks Sally!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks Roland... it was totally unexpected. I am very thankful even though the time frame was INSANE!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks Diane. Timing is everything. I had just posted my illustrations on the SBCWI site, and I got the instant message from an author needing a illustrator.

Michael Di Gesu said...

In all modesty, you are right Susan, very few illustrators would've taken on this job in just a 3 week time frame. I work 12-14 hours a day for all 21 days to get it done. No days off... today I am RELAXING... lol

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks, Lee!

Michael Di Gesu said...

True... Watching the news now... So far, Thank God, it isn't as bad as it could be....

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks Olga...

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thank you, Cathrina... what a nice compliment!

Michael Di Gesu said...

None, this month.... Thanks Faraway...

Michael Di Gesu said...

Busy month, now I can breath for a while ... will be starting on the IWSG piece this week. Only three weeks to get it done.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Aw, thanks Elizabeth... God was very good to me when it came to multitasking my creativity...

Michelle Wallace said...

Michael, that is GORGEOUS...simply STUNNING!! Definitely no need to feel insecure about this!
Now I have to find another title to add to your other two: The Blurb King and Doctor-Take-It-From-Drab-To-Fab
Mmmm. I'll think about it...

Jemi Fraser said...

Wahoo! That's so awesome - and the art is fantastic!! Congrats on it all! :)

emaginette said...

I'm only in Oct for a few days and I'm running amok. May have to give up sleep to get it all done. :-)

Anna from elements of emaginette

Nicki Elson said...

Michael, it's wonderful!! So much to look at and get lost in. Congrats on nearing the end of this big project. Methinks we need to get together to toast this accomplishment. I know I've said this before, buuuut - after next week I should be looking pretty good. Please message me at the end of next week if you haven't heard from me (I find that nudging is the best way to deal with me, hehe).

VR Barkowski said...

Congratulations, Michael! Honestly, you are so freakin’ talented, you blow me away. The short time-line certainly didn’t hold you back. The example illustration is awesome, a story in itself. So glad you had a great (creative AND profitable) month. Wishing you many more ahead!

VR Barkowski

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks Michelle! You are too funny... but.... I do love my titles... lol

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks Jemi...

Michael Di Gesu said...

Been there... last month was my running amok! LOL.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks, Nicki... will do.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Too short, but thankfully I made it. It's amazing how sometimes pressure and deadlines produce incredible art of all kinds.

Thanks VI!

Rachna Chhabria said...

Congratulations Michael, so happy for you. I am a huge fan of your writing and artwork. Wishing you loads of good luck.Finish the PB fast, I want to read it.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Wonderful drawing, Michael. Congrats on getting this commission. It looks like a fun project although you had to create the art quickly. Sometimes that's best!!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on landing the job! The pic looks great 😊.

RasmaSandra said...

Really awesome artwork.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Hi Michael! Congratulations on doing the illustrations for "Helga!" The picture looks fabulous, and I know you'll do an exceptional job of bringing the story to life! I'm so excited for you!


DMS said...

Congratulations to you on the awesome illustration deal! Yay! I am sure it was stressful, but you did it! So excited for you. :)

H. R. Sinclair said...

21 illustrations in 3 weeks! You're the man! Congrats on that and finishing the loft. I hope your allergies are getting better too.

Deniz Bevan said...

Wow, what an awesome commission!! Congratulations on getting all the illustrations completed!

Julie Flanders said...

Congratulations!!! So happy to read this and see that you are feeling so excited and upbeat. Yay! The art is excellent of course!!

Unknown said...

OMG! Huge congrats on getting the illustration contract! I'm continually impressed by how talented you are, and in so many different areas. That cover is scary with the three-headed troll thingie. Brave little girl to be sitting at that table. It will be exciting and a great lesson for kids. Go you!

Crystal Collier said...

I hope you're breathing now. That's awesome. I had to do a project which involved drawing a little while back, and I was shocked at how using my hands boosted my mental output. There really is benefit to using all aspects of our creativity.

What a crazy, awesome project.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks, Rachna. I appreciate your confidence in me.

Michael Di Gesu said...

It truly was. Thanks, Mary.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks Damyanti!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thank you, Rasma.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks, Julie!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Glad it's done, and I am thrilled to have such great pieces in my portfolio.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks, Holly. They are running good and bad. The weather here isn't consistent so that drives my sinus crazy...

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks, Deniz!

Michael Di Gesu said...

I am, Julie. I just wrote my first PB. And now I am penning something for the IWSG anthology. Having a bit of a hard time here, but I still have a few weeks to work out the kinks...

Michael Di Gesu said...

What a nice thing to say! Thank you, Lexa. I really appreciate it. Plugging away at this for as many years as I have, it's nice to reap some of what I've sewn.

Michael Di Gesu said...

LOL. I am. Thanks Crystal... working on my new PB now. Just wrote it. Now for the illustrations. They'll take a while.Since I am not under a deadline, I can take my time. Although I do work great under pressure.

Denise Covey said...

Hey Michael, it is awesome news about the illustrations and the one you shared is beyond awesome. It looks like such fun! No wonder it's put a smile on your face! And great getting your loft finished. I can only dream!

Denise :-)

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Congratulations, Michael. I agree with the others, you're the man! Your work is outstanding.

Carrie-Anne said...

Congratulations! You have such nice artwork, and it's always nice to get back to whatever kind of art we do after having some time away.

Unknown said...

May we display your header on our new site directory? As it is now, the site title (linked back to your home page) is listed, and we think displaying the header will attract more attention. In any event, we hope you will come by and see what is going on at

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Oh my gosh, that's so wonderful about your illustration work!! Yep, that's a tight deadline, but you did it!!

Ann Carbine Best said...

Congrats on your illustration contract, Michael. You are one very talented artist. And thanks for stopping by yesterday and commenting on my (I think it's the 3rd or 4th) "debut" on Blogger where I'm now going to stay.

This is the reply I posted to your comment:
So you are about my daughter's age. Before her accident she was a traditional book reader, but with one bad arm among other problems she has trouble turning pages. So the eBook has become the way for her to read.

I would love to see that REAL library ... with your designing abilities it would be awesome.

I think I am now going to be happier with Blogger also. This post was one I had to barely think about it came to easily. And I feel that Blogger is "cozier" than WordPress.

My family is well, thank you. Hope you are too. Look forward to seeing you "around." :)