Friday, January 17, 2014




That's correct it is time for THE COFFEE HOP! Have YOU had your first cup yet? I am GRINDING the beans as you read this post. LOL.


As you know I want this to be a super FUN HOP, so my COFFE story today hopefully will give you a chuckle.

Mostly all my life I have been around some form of coffee addict. Growing up it was my Mom. She was a working mom and was NOT a morning person.

She was always scheduled to arrive at work by 9am... She'd get up at 9am... honestly... Her job was only ten minutes from the house so the night before she'd shower, etc, so she could stay in bed as long as possible.

My brothers, father, and I WOULD NEVER speak to her UNITL she had her morning cigarette and coffee! During the week I'd be at school before mom woke up. Dad worked nights, so he slept until noon or later. SO, my brothers and I learned at an early age to fix our own breakfast and make our own lunches... sad but true. LOL

I bet most of you mothers out there WOULD LOVE THAT! LOL.

BUT on weekends I had the coffee ready for her by exactly 10 O'clock. Mom would stagger down the stairs in her pink robe and slippers, tousled haired, and her normally large green eyes were mere slits. She'd plop down on the dining room chair and feel around for her pack of cigarettes.

Almost mechanically she'd light one up, take a few drags and wait for me to bring in the freshly brewed coffee.

Her button nose wrinkled and after I added the milk, she clinked the teaspoon around a few times and inhaled deeply.

After the first few sips, her eyes cranked open like the rusty gates on a shop store window. Another drag on her cigarette and perhaps another sip or two, she'd face me and smile.

Another sip, and she uttered her first three words of the day.

"Good morning, honey."

Then she'd pour herself the second cup.

That happened every weekend until the time I had left home. I will always treasure those weekend mornings and the conversations we had AFTER her second cup! LOL.

If you have a story to share... PLEASE DO... You can still join the HOP! If not, please visit the other entries. I am SURE you will get a kick out of them.

On Monday I will post the winning entry! SO PLEASE stop by to see who won the pound of PURE COLOMBIAN COFFEE!



Natalie Aguirre said...

Loved your story. I go directly to the coffee pot when I wake up and turn it on. And make many pots of coffee during my busy days. I've been a total coffee addict since college and law school. And I go to the store immediately if my coffee pot breaks to buy another one.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

It gave you some good memories.
Can't relate to the coffee addiction though. It smells good but tastes awful to me. I just can't drink it.
Good luck to everyone in the bloghop today.

Robin said...

That is great. That is me in the morning minus the cigarettes. It really isn't a pretty picture. Anyone who talks to me gets the bleary eye. Or maybe it's the Stink Eye. I don't know, but it isn't my best look;)

I love that you have that memory of your mom to take with you. As we get older all of those times are even more special. Maybe it's because we realize that times change. Things change. People aren't here forever. Well... that got a bit morbid. But, I think you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Michael! Thanks for sharing your story. I bet you and your mom had some great talks once she had her morning coffee.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

That sounds like my mother, although I never made it for her. I never liked it until I was much older.

Unknown said...

Delightful story of your mother and her morning routine. We are a family of coffee drinkers...nobody talks to anybody until at least the first or second cup. :)

M.L. Swift, Writer

DEZMOND said...

Both a delightful and a disturbing story :)
I don't drink coffee, but I do take an occasional capuccinno with brown sugar and I like to use it in cakes too

Nicki Elson said...

Aww, that's a very sweet story -- even a simple connection like that meant so much to you. And hey, it's not a bad thing for kids to learn to be self-sufficient. Way too much coddling going on in parenting these days...and I'm probably one of the worst offenders. :/

Enjoy le hop!

Unknown said...

Okay, I need to adopt you.

Shell Flower said...

That is a cute story with some lovely imagery, though these days it would seem shocking. My mom was the same way, though she never worked. She would stay up all night drinking wine and reading and then sleep in until well after we went to school. Her coffee was always important to her, too. I think I got my love of both books and coffee from her. Thanks for hosting such a fun hop.

Anonymous said...

lol - How well I can relate to this…wish I could join twice, because you just reminded me of the time I put an onion (instead of an apple) in my daughter's lunch. Hadn't had my coffee yet, and we were running late. I'll never live that one down. She was only six at the time. From that day on, I always had my coffee, before the morning rush set in.

Yolanda Renée said...

My morning brew is green tea, and a bottle of water. How boring is that. I drank coffee in my college years, couldn't have survived without it. At the student union at 6:00 am - coffee and a bagel before tackling the homework and classes. I miss coffee and the great conversations I used to have while enjoying a cup!
Happy blog day!

Jeremy [Retro] said...

i am disturbed and enjoyed that story... for me it pop gradually into "jolt" cola... machine coffee [old coin-op]... then one cup from a pot... two.. three... four. sorry this post all over the road, i am only on my fifth cup... 8)

D.G. Hudson said...

I like the way you describe your Mom, I got definite visuals from that Michael, and a bit of tenderness.

Just starting my first cup of coffee, but I'm a perky (no pun intended) morning bird!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Too, funny, Natalie. I love the fact that you RUN to the store immediately after your coffee pot breaks! lol.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I am glad you got an early start on self-sufficiency but I think your mother might have gotten the family roles reversed there. :-) If coffee tasted as good as it smelled, I would drink it.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Not morbid at all, Robin... It's true. But thankfully our memories keep them alive!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Yes, Susanne. We really did. I miss her and them all the time.

Steven said...

Nice story, very vivid. I've known quite a few people who can't be civil until they have that first cup in the morning, which might explain rush hour traffic.

Michael Di Gesu said...

LOL. I can so relate, M.L. But I took after my dad. He was also a coffee drinker, but WE BOTH were chirpy and AWAKE in the morning. My brothers and mom were the catatonic ones.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Who, you? NA.... You're a great mom!

Michael Di Gesu said...


Michael Di Gesu said...

It's great you took after your mom in such important matters.... especially your love of books!

Michael Di Gesu said...

THAT is SOOOO funny. I'm sure that will be a family joke for the next fifty years!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks, Yolanda! I remember my 'battery acid" days from college... yes, the coffee never poured out ... it blooped out. LOL

Michael Di Gesu said...

LOL. No problem, Jeremy.... I understand when the coffee HASN'T kicked in yet!

Michael Di Gesu said...

I'm the same way, D. G. I am ALIVE the moment I open my eyes. I don't NEED coffee ... I just CRAVE IT!

Michael Di Gesu said...

That was just her nature, Roland. She was NEVER a morning person. Mom told me when she was a little girl, her mother dressed her for school while she was still asleep. She could never wake up in the early morning.

Michael Di Gesu said...

And probably ROAD RAGE, TOO!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I hear you. We must adjust to our natures and to those of others -- especially those we love. Your bloghop seems to be doing great. :-)

mooderino said...

That's a great story, and I've been reading many others around the web. Nice idea for a blog hop.


cleemckenzie said...

In honor of this hop I've had two cups this morning. Look out world!

Unknown said...

Love the story, love me some coffee!

Morgan said...

I agree with Steven--very vivid story. I'm impressed with you boys and being so self-sufficient at a young age. I'm glad you have the good memories AFTER the second cup, LOL!

Never had coffee. But I am a sucker for hot chocolate... :)

Cathrina Constantine said...

Isn't funny what our brains remember about our parents? Whereas your mom couldn't speak until a smoke and downing her first cup of coffee, my mom was the opposite. She dragged heartily on her cigarette drinking at that time instant coffee(yuck) and she was a jabber-mouth...probably the caffeine already flowed through her veins by the time I woke up.

Unknown said...

LMAO love your mom. I can relate caffeine wise. Nobody better come near me until I've had a hit or three. :)

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I love your story, Michael. I've always hated getting up early but always had to. I wish one of my children would have taken care of me like you did your mom.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks, Mood. Glad you made it by...

Michael Di Gesu said...

Yay, Lee...

I'm on my third MUG now. LOL. I sometime drink coffee out of my twelve ounce Mickey Mug...

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks David... Come on over!

Michael Di Gesu said...

GASP!!!! YOU'VE NEVER HAD COFFEE?!!!! WHOA... I don't think I've ever met a person who has never even tried it.

Hot chocolate is awesome, but you must RUN to your nearest Starbucks and grab one of their fantastic lattes! If you like it on the sweet side, the flavored ones are great!

Once you've had one ....

Michael Di Gesu said...

Instant?! YUK is right! Well, at least she was a chatty little bird when you got up. Much better that the silent, walking zombie that turned up every weekend morning at our table. LOL

Michael Di Gesu said...

Now you're talking! Three! lol! You are a walking zombie....

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks, Susan.

It was survival for us kids. Since my two bothers were like her, it was up to me to get the fuel ready.

Jo said...

I drink a lot of coffee during the day, mostly decaf though. I don't need coffee to wake me up. I too smoked a cigarette when I got out of bed in the morning, luckily I quit around 20 years ago. These days I don't have my coffee until after breakfast usually. The bowling alley thinks I drink an inordinate amount of coffee though. I do too.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, Jo,

Some decaf coffees can be wonderful. Coffee is Coffee.... remember too, even decaf has a bit of caffeine in it.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Michael! I'm so sorry! I thought this was next week! I will get it done today! Promise!
Great story you posted. I miss smoking with my coffee. Sad but true.

Mark Koopmans said...

Janey Mac (as they say in Dublin) it sounds like your Ma and my Ma might have been related - because I *completely* related to your story :)

Cheers for an invigorating hop :)

PS... The drip coffee machine is standing by :)

Liza said...

You sound like a great son! Thanks for a fun blog hop idea. It's 5:30 pm EST. I want to announce I haven't had a cup of coffee today. And I'm still alive!

Briane said...

HOLY MACKEREL, 48 comments? I haven't gotten 48 comments ALL YEAR. You have a great following, Michael, and I'm sorry I was so late getting here but I was being braintested today. (Long story.)

I love your story about your mom. My own mom was a bit like that -- she worked 3d shift and would sleep while we were at school -- but we didn't get to make her coffee for her. We probably wouldn't have made it strong enough!

(We did make our own breakfasts, though. To this day, I am a MASTER at pouring a bowl of cereal.)

Jemi Fraser said...

Your mom was a true addict! My dad drank a ton but I don't think he ever got addicted. We switched him to decaf without his knowledge and he never even got so much as a headache :)
I've never like coffee myself but my hubby and kids all drink it :)

Michael Di Gesu said...

No problem, Heather...

Whenever you can.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Anytime.... Always good to have one around... Just in case the Keurig dies... lol.

Michael Di Gesu said...

REALLY... I'm on my FOURTH 12 oz. mug! With one more scheduled to be drank in another hour or so. LOL.

You have much more willpower than me, Liza!

Michael Di Gesu said...

LOL.... That is a true art form, Briane!

Michael Di Gesu said...

As I learned today, many people don't like coffee. That's fine. It is totally an acquired taste. But you have to admit, nothing beats the aroma of freshly ground, freshly brewed coffee.

Brinda said...

That's a great coffee story about your mom. :) I had fun with the hop.

PK HREZO said...

How sweet Michael! And gosh darn I missed the signups for this!! Give me a lil nudge next time! And cheers to that coffee!

Elizabeth Seckman said...

That's such an awesome story Michael! You always have the most clever imagery!

My mom never got up with me either. But hey, made me more self-sufficient than the average bear.

Carrie Butler said...

1. Welcome back, my friend! :)
2. That's such a cute story!
3. I'm such a boring coffee person. *whispers* I only drink decaf...

mshatch said...

I can totally relate to your mom. I'm not a morning person either and would generally prefer that no one talks to me until after 10 am.

erica and christy said...

coffee! my kids know that the first thing I do is make coffee...then I make their breakfast. I got a keurig a little while back and my fave is paul newmann's. I like dark roast coffee, black and bold. christy

Rachna Chhabria said...

Loved your story Michael. I too love to drink coffee, but have reduced it quite a bit now.

Btw..would you be please send me the cake recipe.

shelly said...

Loved the memory of your mom and coffee.

Hugs and chocolate!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks Brinda,

I had such a great time... I still am!

Michael Di Gesu said...

I definitely will next time.... I know how crazy your schedule is PK....

Michael Di Gesu said...

I actually think it's a good thing for kids to learn to take care of themselves. It prepares them for life. Of course, parents need to keep a close eye, just in case.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Coffee is coffee, Carrie!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Great Jen! Nice to meet you and welcome!

I hope you enjoy the hop!

Michael Di Gesu said...


That surprised me Marcy, we met in the morning and you were most charming and sweet! I guess you had your coffee really early that day. LOL.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Christy, ... With three boys you definitely need that rich bolt of caffeine!

Michael Di Gesu said...

I should reduce it too, but thankfully caffeine really doesn't affect me, so I drink as much as I like, until I;m told otherwise.

You bet! I'll send it later today!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Thanks, Shelly! Hugs right back!

Stephen Tremp said...

Wow! I somehow missed this Blog Hop. I love coffee. Well, its fun reading the posts I've been seeing around Blogdom.