Wednesday, January 2, 2019


Happy New Year!

Can you believe it's already 2019? Where did 2018 go? It seems like a big blur to me now. One day melted into another and before I knew it, it was a new year.

I'm sure many of us feel that way. Then the regrets start pouring in. We didn't meet our goals...STOP right there! I never understood why so many people "beat themselves up" at the end of a year...THEN... they pile on another ridiculous amount of goals for the new year, only to find out they haven't me them either.

DON'T do this to yourself. Focus on the positive. We ALL had accomplishments this year. Maybe not that HUGE publishing contract, but maybe you finished your new manuscript. That is a HUGE achievement and you should be so proud of yourself for doing that! What about how much you learned last year? Every new piece of information only gets us further to our goals. That is what's important, not what you didn't accomplish.

For me last year opened up a new opportunity. After years of querying my stories, nothing happened. I came close so many times with multiple requests for fulls by top agents, yet not one picked my book up. Then I started my third novel. A memoir. Nothing like I had ever written before. SO much activity in this person's life. It has taken me almost all of 2018 to put it together, and yet, I still haven't finished it yet. I had hoped to finish by the end of last year, but I would rather have take the time to cultivate an amazing story then RUSH IT...

Like so many of us, I had times where I had left it for weeks at a time. I didn't know why. My other two novels first drafts were written in less than three months. What was my problem with this one?
I couldn't figure out why. Then, like a light bulb turning on, the answer came to me yesterday. The first day of the new year. How appropriate. It was because this story is NOT MY STORY. It is someone else's memory. So simple. I have no control over the plot what so ever. Now that is enlightening for a CONROL FREAK like me. LOL. So I want to say this to all of you, if you take on a memoir project that is not your own, remember this. You will be breaking out into a whole new dimension.

For example: I NEVER outline. After not writing for a few weeks and my deadline coming gravely close, I decided to outline the last four-five chapters...Yes.. that is all I have left. Only fifty or so pages.UGH. You would think I could just spit them out. No chance. This part of Kim's life is highly complex with SO MUCH going on in a five year period. So by outlining, it greatly help me put the timeline and story into balance. Now I just need to write the pages. I am not overwhelmed anymore. IF you are at a place such as this in your present MS, try outlining. I worked for me. Imagine the shock and surprise to a pantser like me!

So now I have about a week to finish my story in about a week. I honestly believe I can do it. All I need to do is write a chapter a day. If all those NaNo writers can write 50k in a month, I should be able to write 50 pages in a week...right?

I feel good this new year. I am blessed. Insecurities can rack our being, so we must keep them under control. Always remember we have our AMAZING community for support and LOVE.... Thanks to the IWSG and its creator, Alex J. Cavanaugh and all the WONDERFUL writers who give their time to keep this movement going, I feel I can accomplish anything.

Please pop over to Alex's blog and sign up if you haven't already. And READ all other IWSG posts for inspiration and advice...

I wish all of you a HAPPY, HEALTHY, and PROSPEROUS 2019! May we all find our way along life's pothole-ridden path!

An update follows this post!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Maybe that means you are an outliner now! That memoir forced you to try something new and it worked. Very cool.

Julie Flanders said...

I've no doubt you can do it! Good luck and Happy, Happy New Year to you my friend. :)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

One week! That is wonderful. I'm happy you tried an outline and it worked for you.

Bish Denham said...

Don't you just love it when a "plan comes together?"

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Yeah, the whole 'I suck, so let me add more to my plate' deal is a raunchy one. But alas, even I have fallen prey to it. :) I am so intrigued by your writer reaction to creating this memoir. Very cool! Wishing you all the blessings and joy the universe has for you this year, Michael!

Rachna Chhabria said...

Hi Michael, a very Happy New Year to you. I'm sure you can finish 50 pages in one week. You are a determined guy.

Chrys Fey said...

I always tell people to set smaller, attainable goals and not to beat themselves up if they aren't able to reach them. That doesn't do any of us any good.

Happy New Year!

emaginette said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful year. I'm glad. Clean slate for me and I'm looking forward to it. :-)

Anna from elements of emaginette

Anonymous said...

You can do it!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Glad you are so upbeat and almost done with the memoir. You're right about not being able to control the plot with that genre. Happy New Year! Hope you get this last part done.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

It's such a joy to visit here and catch the enthusiasm you're sharing. I know you can do those 50 pages.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Outlines and timelines are the biggest help when you need to get the brain organized.

You're so right that we need to stay positive. It's hard to stay productive if you're obsessing over the things you haven't accomplished.

Jemi Fraser said...

Exciting that you're so close to the end of the story - you'll get there!
I've been learning to plot with my last story and it's a challenge!!
Wishing you all the very best that 2019 has to offer :)

H. R. Sinclair said...

You can do it! So close to the end! Can you taste it. :)

Diane Burton said...

Goal setting doesn't work for everyone. It stimulates me, so I do it. But if it adds more stress, forget it. The memoir you're working on must mean so much to you to take so long and with so much heart. Look what you've accomplished. WTG. I hope 2019 is great for you.

Roland Clarke said...

As an outlining NaNo writer, I congratulate you and say, "You can do it." That first draft is always rough for me, but the foundation.

RasmaSandra said...

A Happy and inspirational New Year to you! I am happy to say I am beginning to follow my goals this year, had a second book of poems On the Wings of Love come out in December and am succeeding in making a steady passive income online.

Denise Covey said...

Ah, Michael, the END is approaching. Go to it! Can't wait to read!!!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Focusing on the positives is the best thing we can do in all aspects of our life. I know you can finish the memoir. Stop reading these comments and go do some more writing ;)

Yolanda Renée said...

Here's to meeting your goals, and having the most fabulous New Year on record! For both of us!

Michelle Wallace said...

The Blurb King strikes!
You CAN do it... and you're so close to the end! YAY! I'm excited for you!
Happy New Year, Michael!

Gina Gao said...

This is so exciting!