Saturday, November 13, 2010


This week is dedicated to all the Harry Potter fans that are anxiously waiting for the film launching of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows coming this Friday. I decided to have some fun with this and not just have a feature. I want to test your knowledge on Harry Potter trivia. Let’s see who really knows their HP!

Each day I will feature a different book. NOW, I am only asking questions that are from the books. Since we are all writers, and if you are a true fan, you would have read the books. None of these questions will be multiple choice. Just to make it more difficult.

I will start with where it all began. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (original British title). I’m giving you that one.

I will post the answers in tomorrow’s blog. Now, I do have some great questions planned, but if you have a really tough one from books 2-7 email them to me and I might use them and credit you. So get you minds thinking.

Post your answers in the comments, and you will get a souvenir from me from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter when I return.

Here are the questions:

1.   What is the name of the firm Uncle Vernon's director of?
2.   What is Aunt Petunia’s hair color?
3.   When Hagrid takes Harry to London what is he doing on the train while taking with Harry?
4.   On Dudley’s birthday, who else goes to the zoo with them?
5.   What color does Harry turn his teach’s wig in class?
6.   How many knuts does the owl demand for delivering the newspaper on Harry’s Birthday.
7.   What house does the sorting hat put Terry Boot in?
8.   When Aunt Petunia described Dudley as a baby angel, what did Harry say he looked like?
9.   What bit of magic was Hermione best known for?
10. What is the name of the librarian? and what does she look like?

I know these are not ordinary questions. Some are easy and some are not. I don’t want you to run to your copy and find the answers. I knew all these answers. I’ve read this edition more times that I care to admit. SO be honest.

I hope you have fun. Tomorrow I will post the answers and have ten new questions from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Don't for get to sign up for my HP Blogfest .... scroll down to the linky.


Theresa Milstein said...

I love all this Harry Potter love. What will we all do after the 2nd Book 7 movie comes out and there's nothing else HP-related to look forward to?

Unknown said...

Excellent idea but super tough questions. I have not read the series since the last movie came out, its a rule I have. Anywho here is what I have.

1. Drill making
2. Blonde
3. Knitting (cuz he rocks)
4. Piers Polkiss
6. 5 knuts (greedy owl)
7. Ravenclaw

I'll have to come back (ran out of time!!) I had fun though!

Karen Lange said...

Thanks for coming by my blog and following. It's nice to meet you! Thanks also for sharing my giveaway; I appreciate it very much. Blogging is a great adventure, isn't it?

Happy weekend and happy writing!

Robyn Campbell said...

Harry Potter love. Ain't it great?

1. Grunnings?
2. Blonde hair
3. going to be fitted for his uniform?
4. Harry
5. blue
6. Three?
7. Ravenclaw
8. Pig in a wig
9. Fashion?
10. Madam Pince, like an underfed vulture

:) How many did I miss? Probably lots. I'd forgotten some of this. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I have a terrible memory with Harry Potter. I read the books in the dim past when I still had that elusive thing known as free time. Now, the movies have blurred the prose images. Sigh.

My friend at work, Eric, could dazzle everyone with his knowledge of all things Potter.

I'm amazed at far you've come with your blog in so short a time. You really do have talent and artistry in creative matters.

Melissa said...

Lucky for me I've read these books about a hundred times!!!!

1. Grunnings.
2. Blonde.
3. knitting (what looked like a circus tent if I remember correctly).
4. Piers Polkiss.
5. Blue.
6. seven knuts
7. Ravenclaw.
8. Like a pig in a wig
9. Okay... I don't know this one for sure. I mean, Hermione is pretty much good with anything but I believe it either has to be Wigardium Leviosa or Alohamora.
10. Madam Pince. She's thin with a shriveled face and looks like an underfed vulture.

Hart Johnson said...

Michael—I adore this! I am going to do my best with no reference (or reading), because I think I won't be bad, but suspect I may be less specific than someone who looks stuff up...;

1.  What is the name of the firm Uncle Vernon's director of? Grunnings (that isn't it, but it's close)
2.   What is Aunt Petunia’s hair color? Blonde
3.   When Hagrid takes Harry to London what is he doing on the train while taking with Harry? Knitting?
4.   On Dudley’s birthday, who else goes to the zoo with them? Piers Polkis
5.   What color does Harry turn his teach’s wig in class? Blue
6.   How many knuts does the owl demand for delivering the newspaper on Harry’s Birthday. Five
7.   What house does the sorting hat put Terry Boot in? Ravenclaw
8.   When Aunt Petunia described Dudley as a baby angel, what did Harry say he looked like? Pig in a wig (that's my answer but back-up is a beachball—I THINK beachball is about photos)
9.   What bit of magic was Hermione best known for? The portable fire in a jar.
10. What is the name of the librarian? and what does she look like? Irma Pince (I want to say vulture, but that is an impression, not a memory—I know the NAME because it is an anagram for 'I'm a prince'--there were several theories about her being Snape's mother.

Denise Covey said...

Hi. I'm not into Harry - sorry - but this is a terr ific idea as the rest of the world is! I haven't really given him a chance so I may read them yet. I've read a lot about him so I could probably answer a few quesions but will leave it to the fans. Good idea..:)

Anstice Brown said...

Awesome quiz, this one really got the old grey matter going! I am on my edge of the seat for the film, and mainly I will enjoy sitting in the cinema loudly pointing out how the film deviates from the book, ha ha. I LOVE the whole magical world JK created...wish I'd have thought of it! I started reading the books when I was eleven, and my birthday is the day before Harry's so every time the book was released we were the same age so I could totally relate to him ha ha. Here's my attempt:

1. Grunnings
2. Blonde
3. Knitting something (I think)
4. Piers Polkis
6. five (complete guess)
7. Ravenclaw
8. A pig in a wig! Ha ha
9. Portable waterproof fires
10. Madam Pince...and she looked like an underfed vulture!

Michael Di Gesu said...

I'm impressed. Good job all. It looks like I will have to come up with harder questions for the rest of the week. Later tonight I will tell you who did the best and post it in tomorrow's blog with the answers.

I am so glad you all enjoyed my quiz.


The Words Crafter said...

I read the questions and groaned! And I thought I knew HP!!! Fun idea, btw!